
(Marcin) #1

56 OUTLOOK 5 August 2019

by Lachmi Deb Roy


ONTRARY to the image of hospitals as
sterile dens of despair, the paediatric
ward at Tata Memorial Hospital in
Mumbai has an air of unbridled cheer.
Dr Laff-a-lot sports a red bulbuous
nose, yellow wig and waistcoat dotted
with smileys. His vibrant outfit stands out
amidst the muted colours of the ward. The
moment he entered, children broke into
laughter and began clapping. “Dr Laff-a-lot
is here,” together they yelled, excitedly.
Dr Laff-a-lot, Pravin Tulpule’s alias, is a
58-year-old medical clown in Mumbai. He uses
storytelling, magic and clowning techniques to
help reduce pain and the stress of hospitalisa-
tion, and help people cope with their condition.
Although clown doctors cannot cure diseases,
they provide emotional succour. Most hospi-
tals focus on the physical health of patients


Clowns are dispensing a booster
dose of laughter in hospitals
to help patients cope with pain
and improve outcomes



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