Dalal Street Investment Journal – July 20, 2019

(Martin Jones) #1


Individual Taxation

  • No change in slab and tax rates.
    Present rate continue for the next
    financial year 2019-20.

  • However, surcharge has been
    increased for Individual, HUF, AOP.
    etc having income between 2 crore and5 crore to 25% of the income tax
    and income above `5 crore to 37%.
    The effective tax rate for Individual/
    HUF/AOP accordingly is now 39% if
    income is between INR 2 – 5 crore and
    42.7% if income exceeds INR 5 crore.

  • Interest on housing loan for the
    purpose of affordable house will be
    deducted up to 1.5 lakh on loan taken from financial institution for acquisition of residential house property whose stamp duty does not exceed45 lakh.

  • New Section 80EEBB has been
    inserted to provide for deduction of
    `1.5 lakh in respect of interest on loan
    taken for purchase of an electrical
    vehicle from any financial institution.

  • NPS benefits enhanced – The amount
    received by the employee on closure or
    opting out of National Pension
    Scheme is exempt upto 60% or
    withdrawal, vis-a-vis 40% earlier.
    Further, the contribution of the
    Central government scheme is now
    upto 14% of the total salary of the
    employee vis-a-vis 10% earlier.

Corporate taxation

  • The threshold limit for lower
    corporate tax of 25% has been
    increased from 250 crore to 400
    crore. Domestic companies (turnover/
    gross receipts of the previous year
    2017-18 not exceeding `400 crore) will
    be taxable at 25% plus surcharge plus

Tax Column

HEC for assessment year 2020-21.

  • Buyback of shares of listed company
    Presently, unlisted company is liable to
    pay tax on buyback of its shares. This
    was introduced mainly to check
    practice of unlisted company resorting
    to buyback of shares instead of
    payment of dividend. In order to curb
    such tax avoidance practice adopted by
    the listed company, the existing
    anti-abuse Section 115Q pertaining to
    buyback of shares has been extended
    to listed companies on recognized
    stock exchanges.

Widening of tax base

  • A new Section 194M has been inserted
    to require any individual or HUF (who
    is not liable to tax audit) to deduct tax
    at source from the sum paid to a
    contractor or professional if aggregate
    payment during the year exceeds ` 50
    lakh. The tax can be deposited under
    this provision without any requirement
    to obtain TAN.

  • As per Section 194-IA, a buyer is
    required to deduct tax at source from
    the consideration paid to buy an
    immovable property. An explanation
    has been inserted that ‘consideration
    for immovable property’ shall include
    all charges paid towards club
    membership fee, car parking fee,
    electricity and water facility fees,
    maintenance fee or any other charges
    of similar nature, which are incidental
    to transfer of the immovable property.

  • Any sum of money paid or any
    property situated in India transferred
    on or after July 5, 2019, by a person
    resident in India to a person outside
    India, shall be deemed to accrue or
    arise in India under section 9.
    However, the existing provisions for
    exempting gifts provided in Section
    56(2)(x) will continue to apply.

  • Mandatory furnishing of return of

income by certain persons
Furnishing of return of income shall
be mandatory under section 139 if an
individual has deposited `1 crore or
more in the current account or he has
incurred expenditure of `2 crore or
more on foreign travel or he has
incurred expenditure of `1 lkh or more
on electricity consumption. Further, a
person claiming deduction under
section 54, 54B, 54D, 54E, 54F, 54G,
54GA, 54GB of the Act are required to
furnish return before claim of the
rollover benefit if his total income is
more than the maximum amount not
chargeable to tax. This amendment
will take effect from April 1, 2020 and,
accordingly, apply to assessment year

PAN and Adhar can now be used
interchangeably. The person not
having PAN can file his return of
income by quoting Aadharnumber.
PAN allotted to a person shall be
deemed to be invalid if he fails to
intimate the Aadharnumber to the

Measure for promoting less cash

  • Under the existing provision of the
    Act, there is a prohibition of cash
    transaction and payment or receipt
    was allowed only through account
    payee cheques/account payee drafts or
    through electronic clearing system
    through a bank account. The relevant
    provisions are such as Section 13A
    receipt of donation by political parties,
    Section 35AD, expenditure of capital
    nature, Section 40A certain cash
    expenditure in excess of `10,000 per
    day, Section 43(1) acquisition of fixed
    assets, Section 44AD presumptive
    taxation scheme, Section 80JJAA
    additional deduction of amount of
    30% of additional employee cost,
    Section 269SS, Section 269ST, Section
    In order to encourage other electronic

Jayesh Dadia

Chartered Accountant

Budget 2019 Highlights

Pertaining To Direct Taxes

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