(Frankie) #1



through a divorce it became
this: “How do I cope with this
sort of pain? And then it kind of
came back around to: What is

There‘s also a moment early in
the movie that talks about my
first expedition in Kyrgyzstan
where we got kidnapped by
Islamic militants. I had to endure
so much during that experience
that it showed me that we, as
humans, are capable of way
more than we ever think we are
in a normal, everyday basis. I’ve
had this curiosity about that,
and the Dawn Wall was a way to
try and fulfill that curiosity.

Can you describe what a day
on the wall looks like – from
getting up until you go to bed?

Generally, when you big-wall
climb, you get up at first light
and you climb all day long until
it gets dark, no matter what.
The Dawn Wall was completely
different than that because we
needed good conditions and

really cold weather. If it’s hot
your fingertips cut much more
easily and the rubber on your
shoes is softer and falls apart, so
we had to wait until it was cold,
which often meant night-time.

Our daily logistics were pretty
funny: we would wake up with
the sun – it’s impossible to stay
asleep up there without shade in
the blazing sun. So you‘d wake
up and just hang out in your
portaledge for the whole day
until night-time comes around.

We would climb from about 5
o‘clock in the evening when the
sun would leave the wall until
1 o‘clock in the morning, under
headlamp a lot of the time. It
was a good combination of a lot
of time to enjoy the place that
we were in and joke around, and
when night-time would hit it
would be down to business and
it would be really intense for a
few hours each night.

How important is a climbing
partner in a long year process

like the Dawn Wall?

The energy that is derived from
having a good partnership
is much more powerful than
anything you could have on
your own. It’s really important to
have a good partner.

It’s about having a good
adventure, it’s about
accomplishment, and we are
also mildly competitive which
made us try a lot harder,

Can you describe the support
of your family and friends
along the way?

My parents have always
been my biggest supporters
in a lot of ways and would
oftentimes come to Yosemite
and watch, even come up and
belay me at times. And then
the larger community would
rally behind us and give us so
much encouragement. It was
interesting, the people who
really cared about us would
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