(Frankie) #1

Beau Miles:

Backyard adventurer, filmmaker.


I’ve been kindly asked to
write about myself. Here are
five questions I’m asking, and
answering myself. Thanks for
asking. No worries.

Question 1. Hi Beau. Nice to meet
you. Thanks. Nice beard, by the

Answer. For the record, Beau, that
wasn’t a question, you just said hi,
and gave yourself a compliment.
I tell you what, I’ll tell myself a
little about my past, as if my
past 39 years were represented
in a paragraph. I started out in
life as a redheaded kid, living on
a small farm in Gippsland, near
Melbourne. I loved to climb trees

Strait. I have a PhD related to
adventure, ethnography (people,
the self) and expeditionary
filmmaking. I know, I can’t believe
you can become a doctor in such
things. I’m married to Helen, who
is the best person in the world
(who is pregnant with a small tall
person, or redhead), and I like to
make things.

Question 2. What is your favourite

Answer. Nice question. Liquorice.
I occasionally fast for a day or
two, then eat liquorice as my first
food. It’s my version of Nirvana.

Question 3. Your recent ‘junk’

and fish, and was obsessive
about sport.

I wasn’t great at anything.
Running was taken up as a
teen and I’ve never looked
back, which took me over the
Australian Alps in 2011 as the first
person to run the famous 650km
track. My red hair is now auburn
(beige) as I’ve been wearing a
hat for 20 years, drowning out
the red. Much of the sun I’ve
seen in from being at sea, in a
sea kayak.

A few notable journeys are
paddling from Mozambique to
Cape Town (5 months, 2000km)
and more recently, across Bass

On a recent crossing of Bass Strait in a sea kayak, BEAU MILES was voted 5th worst
dressed in a party of 5. He’s a little offbeat and believes that we’re all weird. Before
featuring in RunNation Film Festival in August, we asked him to give us a little insight
into his world... albeit a quirky one.

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