My Creative Images - UK (2019-10)

(Antfer) #1

David Walker^

Flamingo Flamenco Completo

Art is what you want it to be, the muse can come
anytime, anywhere and be about anything. There
have been myriads of examples of this fact...from
Impressionists to Cubists to most other art forms...
from Picasso to Da Vinci to most other artists!

A particular muse that came to me was based on
1970s discotheques and images of Flamingos I

had on my photographic files. It is a series of four
images telling a story, some times called a polyptych
but more correctly a tetraptych or a quadriptych.

The first in the series is of the girls entitled “I wish
someone would ask me for a dance”, I so clearly
remember the days when the girls waited one side
of the room, the boys the other!

I wish someone would ask me for a dance Propping up the bar

Flamingo Flamenco

The second in the series is of the boys who were
most often found “Propping up the bar” whether it
be the coffee bar or the drinks bar!

The third in the series is of the girls who soon
became fed up of being wallflowers and started
to dance amongst themselves, entitled “Flamingo
Flamenco”. A title which seemed to me to cover the
story quite well!

“Flamingo Flamenco Completo” is the fourth in the
series when the boys have summoned the courage
(dutch or otherwise!) to join in the fun.

I hope you enjoy this somewhat unusual approach,
I know things have moved on since the 1970s but
my guess is that a similar events happen today!

See more artwork on my website: https://artboja.

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