net - UK (2020-01)

(Antfer) #1

creating the SVG in your application of
choice, it’s critical to maintain the same
number of path points and handles, only
manipulating positions from state one to
state two. You can chain as many states
as you’d like but it should be noted that
this generally only works as expected
when utilising the linear easing function.
After exporting the SVG states, you can
then harness CSS to smoothly transition
between them.
Another thing you might notice is I’ve
chained two animations here and set
separate delay functions for each in order
to offset them to suit my needs. Note that
chaining animations that utilise the same
CSS properties will cause the last defined
animation’s properties to override the
prior animations, as might be expected of
the cascade.
Lastly, we use some more transform
animations to scale out from the bear
and utilise the animation we opened
with coupled with a new transform-origin
to draw our line to the right this time.
As we pull away, we use yet another
transform animation to pop the logo text

  • currently hidden by the SVG bounding
    box – into place. Each letter’s start time
    is offset with incremental delays and
    again leverages cubic-bezier to provide an
    elastic springiness.

New possibilities with
CSS custom properties
While lacking compatibility with
some legacy browsers (you know the
ones – and, yes, it’s still important to
write fallbacks), CSS custom properties
(variables) offer a great way to easily

manipulate animations and provide a
consistent experience.
CodePen user Jhey Tompkins has
provided a wonderfully concise example
at Y WxGZ,
offering us a jumping box that jumps just
a little bit higher based on user input,
again with nary a hint of JS.
Let’s quickly touch on how he’s
managed interactivity without JS: in this
instance, he utilises a group of radio
buttons in tandem with general sibling
combinators in order to manipulate the
elements that follow.

#jump:checked ~ [for=’jump’], #higher:checked
~ [for=’higher’], #highest:checked ~
[for=’highest’] {
background: #ffb380; }

The result is that when each radio
button is checked, the matching label’s
background colour is changed to
highlight the current item. Because of
how this combinator pattern works, the
radio buttons must share a parent with
the subsequent elements to be affected by
their state changes.
Now let’s back up and examine the CSS
variables he’s set in place – he clearly
defines them as --size, --height, --squished,
and --extended and defines them within
the scope of the selector that manages
the properties of the jumping box itself.

.jump {
--size: 50;
--height: 1;
--squished: calc(1 + (2 * (var(--height) / 10)));
--extended: calc(1 - (2 * (var(--height) / 10)));

The Keyframers are a pair of web animation
enthusiasts breaking down some of the
most complex and effective animation
processes into digestible, delicious code
nuggets on their weekly livestream.

Let’s get started by learning a little bit
about you.
We’re David Khourshid and Stephen Shaw,
AKA the @keyframers! Every week we have
fun live coding web animations together,
showcasing important techniques and
principles for you to use. You can find links
and videos at

What’s your favourite CSS animation tip,
something you feel is underused?
CSS variables for controlling duration, easing
and even properties of transitions and
animations is a game changer. Additionally,
animating visibility for enter and exit
animations like dropdowns.

Is there anything you would like to
see added to the CSS specs in terms of
animations or transitions?
We’d love to see spring easing, independent
transform and accelerated layout animation.
3D transforms and hardware acceleration for
SVG as well, although I suppose that’s not
CSS spec necessarily but certainly a big limit
for web animation.

At what point do you deem it necessary
to reach for a JavaScript library? When do
you feel like you’ve exhausted all of CSS’s
animation limitations?
Complex timelines and coordinating many
elements, cross-browser SVG animation and
dynamic animations like cursor tracking and
FLIP/layout transitions.

Lastly, what are some common mistakes or
bad practices you’ve seen when it comes to
CSS animation?
Wrong easing. In general, you want your
animations to adhere to physical principles
like acceleration and deceleration. Ease-
in-out works but playing with cubic-bezier
eases helps immensely! Also wrong duration.
Too fast and the user can’t even register
the animation. Too slow and the user is left
waiting. You have to feel out the right speed.

The Keyframers

Above CSS can be used to animate a business logo, as in
our example

Above Jhey Tompkins’ animation is based
on user input

Create CSS animations

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