Our contributors Ben Andrews, Jean Philippe Baudey, Marcus Hawkins, Gareth Jones, Ulla Lohmann, David Noton,
James Paterson, Matthew Richards, Brian Worley
Meet the team...
Who we are, what we do, and our favourite bits from this issue...
Print 14,
Digital 3,
The ABC combined print and digital^
publication circulation for Jan-Dec 2018 is
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Matthew Richards
Technical writer • 6D Mk II
[email protected]
“I’ve been sampling the delights of
fast 85mm prime lenses this issue.
They’re not all created equal, and I
found there were a few surprises
during testing.” PAGE 104
Martin Parfitt
Art editor • 600D
[email protected]
“Join us on a journey to the centre of
the Earth! Canon pro Ulla Lohmann
descends into active volcanos while
doing her best to stop her camera
gear from melting.” PAGE 64
James Paterson
Technique writer • 5D Mark IV
[email protected]
“Sunsets can be frantic for
photographers, but I decided to
take them at a glacial pace with
an ND filter, tripod and exposures
lasting over ten minutes!” PAGE 46
Peter Travers
Editor • 5D Mark IV
[email protected]
“Learning how to get the best from
filters on your lenses is a great
way to take your landscape
photos to the next level, learn
more in our big guide.” PAGE 30
Dan Mold
Technique editor • 7D Mk II
[email protected]
“Food photography is on the rise, so
I paired our Apprentice with Canon
pro, JP Baudey, to show her how
to take shots that’ll make your
mouth water!” PAGE 08
Ben Andrews
Lab manager • 5D Mark III
[email protected]
“We’ve got myriad of Canon RF
lenses to test in the lab this
issue and exciting Canon news
including the new EOS-1D X
Mark III in development!” PAGE 89
This issue’s contributors...
Nick Walker
Nick photographically
documents his family
trip as they fly all the
way to Sri Lanka for a
picturesque holiday.
Marcus Hawkins
This issue Marcus,
our favourite Canon
nerd, goes in-depth
into correcting your
lenses for better
images PAGE 80
Brian Worley
Is there anything
about Canon gear
that Brian doesn’t
know? Find out in the
latest batch of techy
Q&As. PAGE 84
Jean Philippe
‘JP’ Baudey
Food photographer
JP gets this month’s
Apprentice’s mouth
watering with his food
photo tips. PAGE 08
David Noton
David heads down
under to shoot the
vibrantly pink Hutt
Lagoon and its
gorgeous hues in
Australia. PAGE 42
Ulla Lohmann
Fierce volcanos and
lava are what excite
Ulla on a shoot. We
talk about fiery peaks
and how this passion
began. PAGE 64
PhotoPlus: The Canon Magazine
Future PLC Quay House, The Ambury, Bath BA1 1UA
Editor Peter Travers
[email protected] • 01225 442244
Art Editor Martin Parfitt
Production Editor Kyle Hearse
Technique Editor Dan Mold
Lab Manager Ben Andrews
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