Top Car

(BrasilTuga) #1
Cobbledroadsurfaces? Not
a hasslefor ahatchback
stress-testedonthe streets

communicating what the front wheels are Figo has a reason tobe happy, it’s going to
up to. Not precise, but I couldn’t accuse itfind its way into a lot of South African
of being vague either. It will do. homes beca use it do es pr ecisely what is
required from it, looks great and features
Verdict all the mod cons a 2015 urbanite demands
They sa y one of the physical signs of from it. It has few shor tcomings but at
attraction is copying – that of R181900 (the Trend is R167900 and
mannerisms, postures, ge stures and so Ambiente is R158900) our test car is
on. She smiles, you smile. She plays with hardly cheap. But then neither is the VW
her hair. You play with yours. Unless Polo Vivo GT at R184900, its range-topping

you’re bald. Note, if you pay the bill, and she rival. Which one is better? Well, they

doesn’t, it do esn’t necessa rily mean she’s notoffer comparable trim and spec levels so it

attracted to you. I’ve stra yed off point, but really comes down to whether or not an

what I think has happened here is that Ford older car with th at prest igious Volkswagen

has used this knowle dge when crafting thatemblem will sway you over a brand new

beaming grille. Your car smiles. You smile. Ford. This time it do es for me, and nothing

Everyone is happy. Smart. The new Ford surpri ses me

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