January 2016|TOPCAR.CO.ZA 65
A family car thatallows
competentcar control
toout-drift aBMW M2
vice versa in any of the drive modes via a button located on
the end of the indi cator stalk. Again, differentiating the
Focus from rivals, this is not a constantly variable system,
but two indi vidual damper curves, achieved via separate
pathways within each damper unit and activated by a
simple soleno id valve. Johnson says he wouldn’t use Sport
on the ro ad – nor the Nürburgring – that’s how much
firmer it is. A section of Belgia n pavé at Lommel confirms
the contrast. Brutal. But on a smooth racing circuit the extra
body control should ensu re faster lap times.
Amongst all of this multi-faceted capability, does it not
still seem incongruous that a company like Ford is offering
a Drift Mode – no matter how much recruitin g the
market ing power of Ken Bl ock help s it appear down with
the scene kids? Johnson initially seems to agree: ‘It can ge t
you into a lot of trouble,’ he says , and he doesn’t just mean
legally. This, however, is morea concern ab out people
pres uming an ar tless button pres s will tur n them into a
hero when its unmitigated ab use is quite capable of seeing
the fool hardy exit stage left, in al l likelihood pursued by a
(smokey) bear. So why offer it at all?
‘Number one,’ says Gagstatter, ‘obviously it de monstrates
what you can do with th is kind of all-wheel-drive system,
that you cannot dowith other types of all-wheel drive
system. Number two, this is a car which is also aimed to
appeal to the driver en thusiast.’ Unsurpri singly, it works by
manipulating the torque distribution at the rear axle to
encourage the ba ck end to step out, and both he and
Johnson are at pains to underline that, as with every ot her
driving mode, the intention is a consis tency and
transparency in response that leads to a contro lled, intuitive
experience. ‘Even if you are not a professional dr iver you will
quickly be relatively fast,’ Gagstatter insists. He also
confirms that by default Drift Mode keeps the electronic
stability control switched on – ‘It’s in Sport mode, but it is
still active. So the system still help s you if you overdo it .’
Turn the ESC all the way off, though – which the RS will
allow – and ‘you are on your own.’
On the skid pan, the car emphasises this by vaporising its
rear tyres and performing donuts so tight it’s practically
rotating within its own length. Our driver humbly describes
himself as the ‘average Joe’ on the development team.
What a pros pect: a five-door family car that’s
aiming to allow anyone with halfway
competent car control to out-drif t a new BMW
M2 while retaining enough duality to fulfil the
purpose inherent in its fundamental
description. It’s like a Mk1 Escort and an
Escort RS Cosworth had a little bit morethan a
drun ken fumble at the Christmas party, and
we’re all eagerly awaiting a result that’s either
going to be hugely embarrassing or on e of the
best decisions Ford has ever made. We’ll know
once we’ve driven it in January. tc
A twin-clutch autowould
shavethree-tenths from
the 0-100kph time, Johnson
reckons. But it would also
cost more, weigh more
(28kg), andbeless
Johnson claims none of
the performancetargets have
changed since 2012 – andthe RS
achieved all ofthem.Eventually.
‘It’s not about the times,it’s about
the experienceofdriving this
car.’ Still: 0-100kph in 4.7sec
and 265 kph flatout –in a
It is basically
straight-through tothe
rearsilencer –‘It passes
drive-bynoise regulations.
Just.’ An ‘injection
strategy’ addsextra
snap, crackle and
2016’s most wanted:FOCUS RS