January 2016 |TOPCAR.CO.ZA 79
2016’s most wanted:FORDGT
answeris both.
But there are
differences, most
ofwhich showthe
sophistication of
the roadcar. Togo
racing, Fordhas to
removethe active
aerodynamics, while
GTE regulations
mandate no more
than 500bhp
(373kW)– bad news
for rivals, asthat’s
whathas already
24 hours winning
races in a Daytona
Prototype. Chip
ran that car, and
it will run the GTs,
too, alongsideFelix
Sabates. Theactual
is an updated,
ofthe racingunit.
Can the new GTtake
class honoursonits
toLeMans? Dave
Pericak: ‘All I cansay
is this: we’regoing
tobeready torace
and Ihopeeveryone
elseis too.’
New FordGT: roadcar orracecar?
before. For me personally, I can say it’s the
most well-balanced, well-behaved car that
I’ve beenin, ever. And it’s extremely
intuitive the minute you getbehind the
wheel.’ What is it like compared to the
prev ious version – 2003 ’s mid-engined V8-
powered reimagining of the GT40? ‘They
are in two separate worlds, it’s not even a
close competition.’
Ford isn’t officially saying what that means
for outright performance yet, but the portents
are there. ‘We’re putting a V6 into a supercar,’
Pericak reiterates, ‘and we’re extremely
confident that we will be as good or better
than the rest of the supercars. And that’s a
heck of a statement to make, right?’ The original claim of
‘over 600bhp’ (447kW) is surely closer to 700 (522kW) in
reality. Target weight must be in the region of McLaren, say
1200kg dry. The aerodynamics are clearly on display. Even
with th e traction limitations of rear-whe el drive, 0-100kph
has got to be su b 3.0sec, and top speed well over 320kph.
Ford also isn’t saying how many GTs it will build, but
Pericak confirms ‘it will be a very low number’. Not just
beca use of the production limitations with carbon fibre,
but beca use Ford knows it’s important to maintain a sense
of prest ige. As for the price, he says we should lo ok to the
Aventador. Yikes! Yet he’s adamant Ford is ‘not do ing this
to try to get rich’. So why is it do ing it at all?
‘It’s the embodiment of what’s great at Ford Motor
Company. A lot of people ask why are you doing it? And I
always love to give the fun answer of “becausewe can”.
But that’s not the real answer. The real answer is we’re
doing the Ford GT beca use we want to sh owcase and
demonstrate our engineering prowess and all of the
capability that we have at Ford. Showcase it, be proud of it,
and have it be the pinnacle of performance.’
Can the GT possi bly live up tothat kind of hype? Watch
this spac e...tc
Although this is the
concep t car, Ford
says 95% of it is
locked downfor
produc tion
Shift paddle s long and
sharp enough to double as
a cheese knife. Brembos
are carbon ceramics