hand into Pandora’s
Box, every time you
delve into South
African motoring
history, something
exciting pops out. A
TopCaroffice coffee break discussion about
some old, locally-developed sports cars
brought ab out a ‘where are they now?’
challenge, the result of which led to us
bringing together the countr y’s most famous
roadster, the GSM Dart, with th e similarly-
conceived Protea, the ill-starred Caracal and
a true rarity , the Duphet.
The Glassport Motor Company’s Dart has to
be one of the most renowned cars ever
produced in this countr y. GSM was founded by
three talented men, Bob van Niekerk –
essentially the trio’s driving forc e – Willie
Meissner and Verster de Wit. Bob’s
relationsh ip with legendary tuning whizz
Willie bega n when they were both at
Stellenbosch Universi ty studying engineering.
Verster beca me involved when he met Willie –
and later, Bob – while they were all working in
England. Verster’s auto design talents were
enlisted to answer all three men’s desire to
build a South African sports car.