Interweave Crochet - USA (2020 - Winter)

(Antfer) #1
in marked st, tss in next 2 unworked sts on
foundation row, move M5 to last tss made;
mod RetP 2. Row 2: Tps in first st, tss in
next st, [tps in next tss, tss in next tps]
across 2 sts before M3, tps in last st before
M3, double inc, [tps in next tss, tss in next
tps] across to and into 1 st before M5, end
st in marked st, tss in next unworked st on
foundation row, move M5 to tss just made;
mod RetP 1. Row 3: Tps in first st, [tss in
next tps, tps in next tss] across to and into
1 st before M3, double inc, move m to tss
just made, [tps in next tss, tss in next tps]
across to M5, end st in marked st, tss in
next 2 unworked sts on foundation row,
move M5 to last tss made; mod RetP 2.
Row 4: [Tss sl st bo (see Stitch Guide)] in
each st across to 1 st before M5, tss sl st bo
in last 2 unworked sts on foundation row.
Do not fasten off.

Stem, leaf, and edging
Change to smaller standard crochet hook,
ch 22, sl st in 4th ch from hook, turn.
Rnd 1: Ch 1, 4 sc in ring, ch 9, working in
back ridge lps, sl st in first 2 ch, sc in next
2 ch, hdc in next 3 ch, working in opposite
side of ring, 4 sc in ring, do not join or
turn. Rnd 2: Ch 1, 2 sc in first sc, 2 hdc in
next sc, 2 ldc (see Stitch Guide) in next sc,
ldc in next sc and in next ch-sp, working in
rem lps of ch, lhdc in next ch, hdc in next
ch, sc in next 3 ch, sl st in last 2 ch, ch 2, sk
first st, sl st in next st, sc in next 3 sts, hdc
in next st, 2 ldc in next 3 sts, sl next st, sc
in next st, sl st in next 2 sts, ch 1, working
in rem ch of beg ch-22, sc in next ch and in
each rem ch across (stem). Change to larger
standard crochet hook. Rnd 3: Working in
rem lps of beg ch, sl st in both lps of first
ch, sl st blo in next 53 (59, 61) ch, sk next
ch, working in both lps, sc in next ch, ch 6
(button lp), working in tss sl st bo sts, sc
in both lps of first st, sl st blo in each rem
st around. Change to smaller standard
crochet hook. Rnd 4: Working in rem lps
of stem ch, sc in next 17 ch, sl st in next
ch, change to larger standard crochet hook,
sl st blo in next 17 sts on leaf, ch 1, sl st
blo in each st across rem side of leaf, down
stem, across neck to button lp, sl st in each
ch of button lp. Fasten off. Weave in ends.

Tie overhand knot in center of stem. Tie
2nd knot over first. 

P. K. Olson indulges her love of crochet by
dreaming up designs to enhance crochet skills
while playing with stitches and techniques. As
comic-strip Calvin says: “It’s a magical world,
Hobbes, ol’ buddy.... Let’s go exploring!” Find
her on Ravelry as P. K. Olson.

Shape neck
Row 10 (10, 12): Inc, tss across to M2, tss
in marked st, move m to tss just made,
inc, tss across to and into 1 st before M3,
double inc, tss across to and into 1 st
before M4, inc, tss in marked st, move m
to tss just made, tss across to M5, end st,
tss in next 2 unworked sts on foundation
row, move m5 to last st made; mod RetP
2 (see Stitch Guide). Row 11 (11, 13): Rep
Row 3. Row 12 (12, 14): Rep Row 10 (10,
12), change color to CC, work mod RetP

  1. Fasten off MC. Row 13 (13, 15): With
    CC, rep Row 3. Row 14 (14, 16): Rep Row
    10 (12), change color to MC, work mod
    RetP 2. Fasten off CC. Row 15 (15, 17):
    With MC, rep Row 3.

Sizes 13 (15)" only:
Row 16 (18): Rep Row 10 (12). Row 17
(19): Rep Row 3.

Honeycomb border
Row 1: Tss in first st, [tps in next st, tss in
next st] across to and into 1 st before M3,
double inc, move m to tss just made, [tps in
next st, tss in next st] across to M5, end st

tss, pM5, leave rem sts unworked—
31 (35, 39) lps; mod RetP 1 (see Stitch
Guide). Note: Do not pick up lp in back
horizontal bar of last st of RetP. Row 2: Tss
across to M2, tss in marked st, move m to
tss just made, inc (see Stitch Guide), tss
across to and into 1 st before M3, double
inc (see Stitch Guide), tss across to and
into 1 st before M4, inc, tss in marked
st, move m to tss just made, end st (see
Stitch Guide), tss in next unworked st
on foundation row, move M5 to last st
made—5 sts inc’d; mod RetP 1. Row 3: Tss
across to M2, tss in marked st, move m to
tss just made, inc, tss across to and into
1 st before M3, double inc, tss across to
and into 1 st before M4, inc, tss in marked
st, move m to tss just made, tss across to
1 st before M5, end st tss in next unworked
st on foundation row, move m5 to last st
made—5 sts inc’d; mod RetP 1. Rows 4–5
(5, 7): Rep Row 3. Row 6 (6, 8): Rep Row 3,
change color to CC, work mod RetP 1.
Fasten off MC. Row 7 (7, 9): With CC, rep
Row 3. Row 8 (8, 10): Rep Row 3, change
color to MC, work mod RetP 1. Fasten off
CC. Row 9 (9, 11): With MC, rep Row 3.

Interweave Crochet • 71

(^) W
(^) G

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