Leisure Painter - UK (2019-06)

(Antfer) #1

16 JUNE 2019 http://www.painters-online.co.uk


n last month’s issue, I shared
with you some of the methods
you could employ to make the
representation of human figures
a much easier task in your drawings
and paintings. In the first part of
this painting project, I want to take
the next step by selecting a street
scene and populating it effectively
with people. As with most
paintings, time spent planning and
sketching is invaluable. It all helps
the artist flow into a final piece with
more confidence and accuracy.
Next month I will take you through
the painting of the scene. LP

nHow to paint figures
in a street scene

nObservation is key

nHow to plan a composition

Paint along with LP

Part 1Bring your paintings to life as you fill them with figures, by Stephen Coates

Painting project

Your reference photograph for this month’s project: a Venetian street scene. Photograph courtesy of Andrew Locking.

Step 1
I drew two carrot shapes,
which were overlapping
slightly, as the couple is
walking arm in arm. This
is done with a soft pencil
so it can be erased after
the ink has been drawn on.


Step 2
Using the pencil, I sketched
the details of the figures.


For this painting project, I planned a painting based on
a waterside street scene in Venice (above), but wanted
to populate it with figures in the mid-ground and distance,
and with a feature couple in the foreground. As the focus
of the painting, this couple became the subject of some
study beforehand and was sketched first with a little
more detail using the line and wash style.
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