A Quick Guide on How to Get a Real Estate License

(John Wetzel) #1

How much does it cost to get a real estate

license in New Jersey?

  • These licenses are issued for a two year period
    that typically ends on June 30 th. Since March
    2010 , the initial license for a real estate
    salesperson is $ 160 , while the initial license of a
    realestatebrokeris$ 270. To renew,youmustpay
    $ 100 or $ 200 , respectively. All candidates for the
    NJ license for real estate must pay the fees of
    fingerprinting,which costs $ 66. 05. In addition to
    that, it isalso necessaryto undergoa background
    check which costs $ 70. 25. For additional
    information on fees, check out this site. If you

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