Wallpaper 12

(WallPaper) #1

A regular visitor to Amsterdam, Himelfarb
saw a fresh side to the city on her assignment
to Bijlmermeer, a monumental 1960s housing
estate, home to some of the country’s most
prominent rappers and a newer creative
crowd (page 120). ‘The Bijlmer got a second
chance after it hit rock bottom in the 1990s,’
the London-based writer says. ‘Brutalist
estates get such a bad rap, so a rare success
is worth celebrating.’ Himelfarb is now in
the early stages of a book on one of London’s
longest Roman roads.

Graphic designer

Savioz is based in Vevey, Switzerland,
a country where graphic design is prized
as a ‘precise and particular’ discipline.
A graduate of ÉCAL in nearby Lausanne,
Savioz took charge of this month’s Space
story (page 176), inspired by elemental
extremes. ‘I was seduced by the fact that
I had to work with real objects,’ says Savioz.
‘I spent a lot of time moving things around
and changing lights so that both real and
impossible phenomena work together.’

Entertaining Director

‘I am a proud Londoner and never tire of it,’
says Keays, a veteran Wallpaper* contributor.
She never seems to tire of directing our
entertaining stories either, which she’s been
coordinating since issue one. ‘What’s not to
like?’ she says. ‘An orgy of decadence, luxury,
beautiful things and delicious food – and yes,
we consume it all.’ For our Italian-inspired
shoot (page 140), Keays did her homework
by watching Luchino Visconti’s opulent
period ilm, The Leopard.

We dispatched Amsterdam-based Yang
to the Rotterdam studio of Sabine Marcelis
to preview her latest commission, a series
of sculptural fountains for Fendi’s 2018
Design Miami ofering (page 068). ‘Instead
of simply documenting the sculptures,
I wanted to interpret them. Water and
light are recurring themes in all the images,
including Sabine’s portrait,’ says Yang, who
is writing and directing three short ilms
(one featuring Rem Koolhaas) challenging
single- and long-take ilm techniques.

We asked Berlin-based writer McDermott
to delve into the vibrant headspace of
German artist Katharina Grosse in the run-
up to her major solo show at the Chi K11
Art Museum in Shanghai (page 084). ‘It’s
beautiful the way Katharina inds order
in chaos – not only in her artwork but also
in the way she speaks. She combines ideas
and thoughts that I never would have put
in the same paragraph, let alone the same
sentence,’ says McDermott, who is currently
working on a book project.


Versailles-based Coquerel has most ields
covered, from still lifes and landscapes
to portraits of iconic igures such as
Vivienne Westwood. ‘My main regret,’ says
Coquerel of this month’s entertaining story
(page 140), ‘is that I didn’t taste the fantastic
cake. I don’t remember why – too much
pasta probably.’ He is currently working
on a book featuring young people ‘hanging
out together in the woods wearing weird
vintage clothes’.



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