New Scientist - USA (2019-11-30)

(Antfer) #1
30 November 2019 | New Scientist | 11

IN A dimly lit room filled with
computers at St Bartholomew’s
Hospital in London, doctors pore
over scans of people’s hearts. Until
recently, medical staff here had to
interpret the blotchy on-screen
images purely by sight. Now
artificial intelligence is helping to
explain what they are looking at.
Charlotte Manisty, a
consultant cardiologist at
St Bartholomew’s, analyses an
MRI scan of a struggling heart
and points to blue smudges over
one area of muscle. The image on
her screen has been coloured in
by AI. A swathe of blue around
the left ventricle, the heart’s main
pumping chamber, means that
not enough blood is getting
to that part of the muscle. The
volume of blood reaching each
bit of the heart is a good indicator
of how well it is functioning.
The AI provides a numerical
estimate of blood flow for each

region too. Previously, doctors
had to eyeball black and grey
scans to make a judgement about
how much blood was present.
Getting an actual number needed
specialists and took several
hours or days.
“All of the things that we’re
working on here are to try to
reduce the training required,”
says Manisty. The AI works
completely automatically and
delivers its analysis in around
2 minutes, she says.
The same system is now
used at more than 30 hospitals
worldwide and has analysed more
than 20,000 MRI scans to date. It
was developed by Peter Kellman
and Hui Xue at the National
Institutes of Health in Maryland
and their colleagues.
To get the algorithm to correctly
identify each bit of the heart in
MRI scans, the team trained it on
more than 1900 scans of around

1000 patients. The system was
then tested against 200 scans from
105 patients to show that it could
reliably select each area of heart
muscle. It proved to be at least
90 per cent accurate in each case.
The system was also previously
trained to quantify blood flow and
compared against cardiac positron

emission tomography, where
it was found to be 92 per cent in
agreement with that method.
Kellman and Xue’s team
plans to upgrade the AI soon so
that it can determine a patient’s
condition, for instance by stating
whether it thinks it has spotted a
blocked artery, diseased tissue or
a healthy heart. Along with other
algorithms that Kellman and Xue

have developed, such as one
that allows scans to continue
even when patients accidentally
move, AI has improved efficiency
at St Bartholomew’s, says Manisty.
Previously, the department
scanned around 25 people a
day – now that number is well
into the 30s.
Shehab Anwer at University
Heart Center Zurich in Switzerland
questions whether the colour
coding could obfuscate certain
features of a heart scan, perhaps
meaning that doctors miss other
signs of disease. Manisty says that
the original, grey scans are all still
accessible in the system.
William Bradlow at Queen
Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham
in the UK says that there is
little risk of distorting the scans.
Interpreting MRI images of hearts
is tricky, but with help from AI,
more doctors could be doing it
on a regular basis, he says.  ❚











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The number of MRI scans
the AI has analysed so far

Gege Li

Jupiter’s Great Red

Spot is healthier

than it looks

Solar system

JUPITER’S giant storm, the Great
Red Spot, may not be dying any
time soon. It seems to have been
unravelling for decades, but this
is probably down to the movement
and shredding of clouds rather than
a sign that the storm is abating.
Concerns have been mounting
that the Great Red Spot might
disappear. Once it was big enough
for almost three Earth-sized planets
to fit inside it – now it can hold little
more than one.
Although we know that the storm
has been shrinking since 1878, the
pace of this seems to have picked
up since 2012.
What’s more, photos of Jupiter

taken earlier this year by the
spacecraft Juno showed red “flakes”
measuring 100,000 kilometres
across apparently breaking off
from the Great Red Spot.
But this flaking isn’t actually
a sign that the storm is fragmenting
and dying, says Philip Marcus at the
University of California, Berkeley.

Using computer models, he and
his colleagues found that the flaking
captured by Juno was in fact the
result of rare events: cyclones that
are common in Jupiter’s atmosphere
colliding with lumps of cloud that
hadn’t yet been pulled into the
storm as they passed by.
The impacts broke apart the

clouds, which appear red because
they sit above the Great Red Spot
and are therefore exposed to more
of the sun’s UV radiation. This gives
the impression that parts of the
storm are disintegrating.
Marcus presented these findings
at a meeting of the American
Physical Society in Seattle this
week. He says he was surprised
by how straightforward it was
to simulate the flaking, which
“cried out for explanation”.
“It’s wonderful to see serious
attempts at numerical simulations
being brought to bear on this
complex topic,” says Leigh Fletcher
at the University of Leicester, UK. ❚

The giant storm on
Jupiter may not be
abating after all

Machine learning

Chris Baraniuk

Artificial intelligence is analysing

heart scans in dozens of hospitals

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