Wallpaper 4

(WallPaper) #1

This page, ‘Vela’ screen,
£2,984, by Bernhardt
& Vella, for Arflex. ‘Bliss
Big’ rug, €5,865, by
Mae Engelgeer, for CC-Tapis.
‘Credenza’ screen, £18,600,
by Patricia Urquiola and
Federico Pepe, for Editions
Milano, from Silvera. ‘String’
light, €427, by Michael
Anastassiades, for Flos
Opposite, ‘Farrah Ruby’
rug, from £2,612, by
Nicole Fuller, for The Rug
Company. ‘Serpentine’ light,
£485, by Gabi Peretto, for
FontanaArte. ‘Painting’
screen, €9,715, by Alessandra
Baldereschi, for De Castelli.
‘Unfold’ room divider,
€1,199, by Ferm Living
For stockists, see page 288

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