Remaining in the round with the hope of making one’s potential hand as more cards are
Drawing Dead
When a player is drawing to a hand that is not the best hand o ered by the op and will
therefore is beaten even if the hand is made.
Early Position
In an early betting position for a hand weakest position
Family Pot
When everyone at the table is still involved in the pot
Fast Play
Betting and rising aggressively
The rst three community cards dealt to the table
When players throw in their cards. They give up any claim on the pot in exchange for not
having to contribute more money to the pot.
Forced Bet
A bet that a player has no choice but to make, a blind bet
Flush Draw
When a player holds four cards of the same suit and is hoping to draw a fth card of that
suit to complete a ush.
Go on tilt
When a player loses emotional balance during a game and plays irrationally.
Gut Shot
To draw to an inside straight.
Heads Up
A game with only two players in it.
Hole Cards Online Poker Winning Strategies Revealed # 10