Poker X 1st test ebook

(itemelite) #1

If you have been to any of the online casinos, you will notice that they make use of check
boxes such as “fold” “raise any”, or “call any”. You can tell when a player has used a check
box, because his action comes within the blink of an eye of the player before him. You
can use this to your advantage. When a player has checked “raise any” it should be
obvious that he has a strong hand. If a player uses the check box to “check” then you can
probably surmise that his hand is weak. If a player uses the check box to “call any”, then
maybe we can assume that he has a draw hand that he has not completed, but is
denitely not ready to fold.

While these are not 100% accurate, the observant player can over time, begin to draw
conclusions and make assumptions based on an opponent’s use of the check boxes.

The fact that a player feels strongly enough about a hand to make a decision before even
seeing the actions of the players before him, should be a “tell” as to what that player is

Opponents Fold/Flop Percentage

While you cannot mark this percentage down exactly, you should over the course of
several games get a sense of whether or not the player folds a lot of trash hands or if he
is staying in almost every pot. This “tell” can be used both online and oine, to help you
determine the strength of a players overall game. If he folds a lot of cards, beware. If he
stays in almost every pot, you can probably run over him if you play good cards.

Chat Box

Just as in brick and mortar casinos, the “chattiness” of a player can be an obvious tell.
Generally, if a player who is chatting all of a sudden gets quiet, you can bet he is playing a
set of good cards. He is spending every ounce of focus on playing his cards and
squeezing out the biggest pot possible.

On the other hand, if a player is betting and becomes antagonistic in the chat box, he
may be blung and hoping his show of “condence” will aid him in blung you o the
table. Watch the chat box also for players who are “steaming” or “on tilt.” A whining
player or one who is using lots of abusive language is probably emotionally unable to
play good poker until he or she calms down.

Waiting for the Big Blind

When you sit down at a Hold 'em table, many times you'll have the option of “waiting on
the big blind“to get to you or you can post a matching big blind and start playing
immediately. This a good tell on how patient and online player will be. If he is not patient
enough to wait on the big blind to get around to him, he might not be very patient about
waiting on good starting hands. Expect him to be a loose player. The opposite holds trueOnline Poker Winning Strategies Revealed #^29

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