Some of the tells that we should note here, are almost hilarious in nature, but players
see it all the time in low limit poker.
The rst one that comes to mind is the common “bet with a weak hand, feign weakness
with a strong hand.” If you are playing Hold ‘em with pocket aces, don’t slow play them.
This author has seen so many players with pocket aces feign weakness only to see an
opponent’s straight or trips made on the op, turn, or river to beat them. This may seem
elementary. It de nitely is, but it’s seen all the time from beginners in online poker.
Another comical beginner tell is when a player always waits one card after he has paired
before making a bet. A player will be dealt a King on the op and checks it. The turn is a
deuce and now he’s betting like a madman. Would he be betting on a pair of 2's? Of
course not, but you can be pretty sure he paired the Kings on the op. Bet it if you’ve got
You will see many of these types of situations in your online poker career. Make an e ort
to observe them in other players, while avoiding them yourself.
It’s easy to exhibit tells when you have a good hand. So what happens when you have a
not so good hand? To blu or not to blu – that is the question!
Chapter 12 - Blu ng
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Sometimes nothing can be a pretty cool hand.
— Paul Newman as Cool Hand Luke, showing his stone-cold blu after winning a 7-card
stud pot
The do's and don't of blu ng could ll a small book on their own, but here are a few of
the most important things to keep in mind: