How to Write Newsletters That Get Opened Read and Clicked

(lhb123) #1

How to Write Newsletters That Get Opened, Read and Clicked

What’s  the first,  most    prominent   part    of  every   email?  The From    line.   
It’s in the largest type. And it’s at the top of each email, compelling
the reader to look at it first and inadvertently turning it into a filter.

Subject Lines

You could easily dedicate an entire, full-length book to the art and
science of writing subject lines. Schools of thought vary wildly on
the subject of subject lines, so I’m not going to try to synthesize
and analyze what the whole world says – but, instead, here’s what
I’ve seen work in tests.

Your Subject Line Has 1 Job
Here’s what your subject line should be expected to do: get
subscribers to open. That’s it.
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