A well-designed survey will impress your customers – and that means more sales
One great way to get survey responses is to offer a free incentive upon completion. This
can be an e-book, a mini-course, or even the full version of your product when it is
released (if you choose to give away free product, be sure to state only a limited
number of respondents will receive the free gift. This also creates urgency and helps to
increase response). A full discussion on free incentives can be found further in this book.
Setting Up Your Survey
There are many ways to go about setting up your marketing survey. One is to compose
an e-mail and ask people to hit “Reply” and fill in the answers. This method is easier for
you to set up, but some people would not respond simply because they do not know
how to add text to a reply. Also, because of differences in browsers and e-mail
programs, some of your responses may be choppy and difficult to interpret.
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