Perfect Email Marketing For Newbies

(lhb123) #1

  • Subject line don’ts: Never begin your subject line with ADV: or include the
    word “advertisement.” Do not state “this e-mail sent in compliance with...”
    And never use the word “free” in the subject line—especially in all caps.

  • In fact, never use the word FREE (in all caps) anywhere in the message. If
    possible, avoid using all caps altogether.

  • From address: When you set up your web site and associated e-mail
    accounts, do not name any account [email protected] – this
    guarantees you an automatic trip to the bulk folder.

  • Within the message: Never say “for free?” or “for free!” or use the words
    “extra income” in the body of your message. Recently, many internet
    marketers attempting to bypass spam filters have begun breaking up the
    word “free” anywhere it appears in their sales copy: f-ree or are the
    most commonly used methods.

Keep your messages out of spam oblivion by adhering to these guidelines, and you will
see your sales and response rates climb.
Formatting your autoresponder messages
If you use the internet regularly, you have probably received at least a few e-mails that
look something like this:

Dear Friend,
Congratulations! You have been selected
>>to receive a free

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