Perfect Email Marketing For Newbies

(lhb123) #1

When composing classified ads, remember that you have limited space to get your
message across. You might consider using the same formula as the one for PPC
campaigns: an ad title, a few descriptive lines of text, and your site’s URL. For print
classifieds, check out your local and regional newspapers. Categorize your ads
appropriately: if you have a product about how to work from home, you could probably
place it in the Employment section, but if your product is about diets or relationships,
you should advertise in another section.

There are also many online venues for placing classifieds, from fixed sites to
newsletters. Many newsletters make their profits from placing classified ads; if you can
find one relating to your topic with a large subscriber place, it may be worth buying an
ad—or even a sequential ad series (once again, repetition of your message is the key to
convert prospects into buyers. If the same subscribers see your advertisement for three
weeks in a row, more of them will visit your site).

The best way to place classified ads is to seek out e-zines and newsletters that either
deal directly with your topic or would be of interest to your target audience; find out
how large their subscriber base is; and ask about rates. Comparison shop: look for well-
written newsletters or e-zines with low rates and discounts for sequential listings. This
will help you make the most of your advertising dollar. Check out these newsletter and
e-zine directories to get started:

  • E-zine Directory: Over 3,000 e-zines and newsletters searchable by topic or

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