Perfect Email Marketing For Newbies

(lhb123) #1

on your site) in influencing search engines, these links still carry some rank weight. It is
important to ensure that all the outbound and reciprocal links on your web site are
related to your topic—otherwise, it will reflect badly on your professional image as well
as your search engine rank.

The No-Spam Diet: Black and white listing................................................................

By following the rules to refrain from sending out spam and making your web site
professional, you can avoid blacklisting. This is when a search engine bans your site or
IP address from its listings—and the ban is a permanent one.

Other actions that will put your web site on the blacklist:

  • Mirror web sites. This occurs when you register for more than one domain
    name, but post the exact same content on each site. This is also a good
    reason not to plagiarize content from other sites. If you manage to get
    someone else’s successful site banned from search engines, you will have one
    unhappy internet marketer on your hands.

  • Invisible text. One formerly common way to avoid obvious keyword stuffing
    was to add long strings of keywords to web pages in small font size, in the
    same color as the background of the page. This text is “invisible” to visitors,
    but not to search engines—and the spiders are on to this practice.

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