Professional Photographer - USA (2019-12)

(Antfer) #1

FOREGROUND by Amanda Arnold


“Each year I try to undertake one to two personal projects to keep
myself fresh from a creative standpoint,” says commercial photog-
rapher Todd Antony. Often these projects highlight a subcultural
group he finds intriguing, e.g. his recent series on Bolivia’s Flying
Cholitas, a group of women wrestlers who wear traditional dress
while engaging in their sport. The Cholitas first began wrestling
in the early 2000s, says Antony, partly for recreation and partly as
a way for women who’d suffered domestic abuse to draw strength.
Antony collaborated with local producer Esteban Barriga Prado
to arrange for the photo sessions, which took place in El Alto, a

plateau village 1,600 feet above La Paz, whose brick homes seem to
defy physics by cascading down a cliff’s face, Antony explains. The
13,615 altitude was his biggest foe—thin air made it difficult to lift
equipment let alone think at times, he says. But thanks to the Cholitas,
Prado, and his own meticulous planning and lighting techniques, he
was able to create exciting photographs with compelling backdrops.
“There is such a saturation of images being produced in the world
at the moment that whatever you’re going to shoot and put out into
the world needs to have some sort of visual impact that separates
it from what is around it.” •

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