CharCode: 0..255; { ASCII character code }
CharAttrib: Integet; { 0 Plain; 1 Italic; 2 Bold; 3 BoldItalic }
CharSize: 4..127; { size of character in points }
{ The meanings of the bits in StatusFlage are as follows: }
MSB 0 error detected: 1 = yes, 0 = no
1-2 kind of error: 0 = syntax, 1 = warning, 2 = servere, 3 = fatal
3 reserved ( should be 0 )
4 printer status : 1 = ready, 0 = not ready
14 not used ( should be u )
LSB 51 not used( should be 0 )}
StatusFlags : integer;
if case
/ Copy Input field up to comma /
while ( InputStr != ',' && InputStr != END_OF_STRING )
Filed = InputStr;
Field + +;
InPutStr + +;