iCreate - UK (2020-02)

(Antfer) #1

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David Crookes
If you have recently updated to iOS 13.2 then
our iOS expert demonstrates how to delete all
of your Siri recordings – intentional and
unintentional – stored on Apple’s servers.

Shaun McGill
This month our tech expert has trawled the
Mac and iOS App Stores to unearth the
latest, greatest apps worthy of downloading.
Is it time to ditch your old favourites?

George Cairns
This issue, our creative expert shows you
how to change the season in your photos,
how to turn footage from day to night in
iMovie and how to create triplets in Final Cut.

Meet the experts

“How did we occupy our time before our

necks craned downwards?”

iCreate 207

It’s hard to imagine a life without apps. They have
become such an integral part of our daily routine that it
boggles the mind to think how we coped without them
and how we occupied our time before our necks craned
downwards. Although we all have our favourites, the
App Store continues to swell and there may well be
newer apps that are much better than the ol’ reliables,
so this issue we have gathered together 100 of the very
best apps for Mac and iOS and tell you why they
deserve a spot on your Home screen.
We also tackle privacy, an issue that never seems to
abate, and show you how to secure your Mac to keep
your files safe and prevent outside forces from infiltrating
it remotely and installing malware. With our in-depth
guide, your Mac’s security will be watertight. As always,
we’ve also got over 50 pages of creative tutorials for all
of your Apple devices, including how to delete all of your
Siri recordings, how to back up your iOS devices to
Mac without iTunes and how to turn your iPad into an
in-car entertainment system. Enjoy the issue.

Ryan Butt Editor

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