iCreate - UK (2020-02)

(Antfer) #1


Set streaming
Goto TV>Preferences>Playbackonthe
select‘Good’.If multipledevicesstream,
youmayneeda lowerquality.


Set download
Youdon’thaveto streamAppleTV
shows– theycanbedownloadedand
watchedoffline.In theMacappgoto
TV>Preferences>Playbackandselect the
quality.Bearin mindthatHDrequiresmuch

To p 10

Apple TV app features


pple TV is both a store for purchasing and
renting content and also a place to watch
Apple TV+ shows and there are some
brilliant ones. The library of TV+ content available
to stream is still quite small, but it is steadily
growing all of the time and we’re rubbing our
hands together at the prospect of more!
We have collected some of our best tips for
the Apple TV app and shows you will find in it
on the Apple Mac, iPhone and iPad. There are
different features in the macOS and iOS apps and
the iOS app has some interesting ones that are
not obvious. Try long-pressing on everything, for
example, and see what comes up! Here are our
favourite features and perhaps some you have
not yet discovered, like sharing, cast and crew
biographies, quick access in iOS and more.

Whether you have Apple TV on a Mac, iPhone or iPad, here are the app’s best features

Control Apple TV

Choose the TV quality settings

Mobile data switch
Streaming TV shows and
movies uses a lot of internet
data. Make sure you don’t
accidentally use mobile data
if your allowance is small
by turning this switch off in
Settings>TV>iTunes Videos.

Reset Apple TV
If you are experiencing problems
of any kind with the Apple TV app,
try resetting it. On the Mac, go to
Preferences>Advanced and click Reset
Warnings>Reset Cache and ‘Clear
Play History’. On the iPhone or iPad,
tap your account icon in the top-right
corner and then press ‘Clear Play
History’. Turn off all connected apps,
but enable them again if needed.

Knowledge base

Quality purchases
The TV app is not just for Apple
TV+ – there is a whole store full
of movies and TV shows to buy
or rent. Tap here and select
the quality of the videos that
are downloaded.

Download quality
Apple TV+ shows and movies
can be downloaded for viewing
offline or to get better quality.
Take advantage of your iPhone
or iPad screen with high dynamic
range videos. Turn this on.

Set the quality
Go to Settings>TV>iTunes Videos
and tap ‘Wi-Fi’ to select the
streaming quality. Select the best
if your internet connection is fast
enough or choose ‘Good’ with a
slow internet connection.
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