iCreate - UK (2020-02)

(Antfer) #1

Genius Bar

Adjust your
Reading Goals
Now tap on the ‘Adjust
Goal’ option and you
will be able to select the
amount of minutes that
you intend to dedicate to
your daily reading. Tap
‘Done’ when finished.

I have just bought my first iPhone and wondered how
I change the wallpaper to my own photo? Stuart Mowbray

Is there a way to adjust my Reading Goals
in the iOS 13 Books app? Phillip Young


Open Photos
The quickest way is to
open the Photos app and
then navigate to the image
that you would like to use as
your iPhone wallpaper.


Select image
Tap on the selected
image to open it and then
tap on the share icon in the
lower-left corner of the screen
to bring up various options.


Use image
Scroll down through
the sharing options and you
will see one called ‘Use as
Wallpaper’. Tap this and the
image will be applied.

Is it possible to connect a
mouse to my iOS device?
I have heard that you can
but can’t find the option to do so.
Marc Fenton

This is probably more useful when
using iPadOS, but you can still
connect a Bluetooth mouse to your
iPhone, should you wish. Go to
Settings>Accessibility>Touch and then
tap on the ‘AssistiveTouch’ option and
turn it on. Next, scroll down to Pointer
Devices and then tap on Devices>
Bluetooth Devices to pair the two
together. Once done you should be
able to use the mouse on your device.

I have heard that it is
possible to display apps as
tiles on either side of my
Mac display – how?
Carl Grayson

Simply open an app and you will see
three coloured dots in the top-left
corner of the app window. Hover your
mouse over the green dot and a menu
of options will appear that include
‘Enter Full Screen’, ‘Tile Window to
Left of Screen’ and ‘Tile Window to
Right of Screen’. Click the left or right
option and then repeat and choose
the opposite for the second app.

Access your
Reading Goals
Launch the Books app and
then tap on the ‘Reading
Now’ section at the
bottom. Under ‘Today’s
Reading’, tap on the small
‘>’ arrow.

Tu r n on
Reading Goals
To view your Reading
Goals in Books you
will need to ensure
that the option is
turned on. Go to
Settings>Books and
then scroll down and
make sure that the
‘Reading Goals’ option
is enabled.
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