Minecraft World - UK - Issue 61 (2020-01)

(Antfer) #1


Dear As kUsnything,
Ihavesome uest ions foryou!
When arebeescomin gtoBedro k?
When is Mi necraftDungeons
comi ng out?
Howcan I atch Minecraft
Whycan y uget food poisonin
fromraw chi kenbut nothingels?
Do youhav to ge tBad Omen to
an y u a o nec ft?
Can ufishfor cros sbows?
Thanks so much,
Tom, A e8


Whywould you
WANT to seearaid?!


n s oryour letter,
we reallyenjoye it!Toanswer
your questions...
They should b availablenow!
Version 1. 14 .0 o wards.
In case you’ve missed the
be able to play Dungeons on all
supported platf rmsfromApril 2020!
It’s tooearly t say, butthe official
Minecraft site will surely point you in
the right directi n when it’stime!
’s a e rea e – raw
chicken isextremely dangerous, but
red meat like be f is (if properly
stored!)safe to at uncooked in lots
of circumstances.
Unfortunately ou do! Although it’s

  • captain and give him a taste of you
    sword (or crossb w).
    Thepeoplewho own Godzilla
    wouldprobablytakeissuewith that,
    butmaybethere’s amod outthere
    Youcan’t cat hcrossbows when
    fishing,but if yo want to craftone
    therecipeisthr esticks, oneiron
    ingot, twostringand atripwirehook
    Thanks Tom! Writ a ainsoon!

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