net - UK (2020-02)

(Antfer) #1


Below is a list of resources that
will help you keep up-to-date with
the latest JavaScript framework
developments in 2020.

Comparison of the usage statistics
of Angular vs. React vs. Vue.js
O A great resource for checking
out the current usage statistics for
Angular, Vue and React on the web.
You will also find a lot of statistics
revolving around other web
technologies as well.

Angular blog
O Angular’s official blog contains the
latest news and tips from the team.

React blog
O The official React blog is the place
to get news on upcoming releases.

Vue.js News
O All the latest news and tutorials
from the Vue team.

JavaScript Conferences 2020
O Conferences are one of the best
places to discover the latest in JS.
This site contains a list of the main
conferences around the world in

  1. And don’t miss GenerateJS,
    net’s dedicated JavaScript event on
    2 April (!

NPM Trends: The image above shows
stats for the past 12 months, where
you can see React has a higher number
of downloads per month compared to
Angular and Vue.

Mobile app development
One main focus for the big three is mobile
deployment. React has React Native,
which has become a popular choice for
building iOS and Android apps not just
for React users but also for the wider
app development community. Angular
developers can use NativeScript for native
apps or Ionic for hybrid mobile apps,
whereas Vue developers have a choice of
NativeScript or Vue Native. Because of the
popularity of mobile applications, this
remains a key area of investment.

Other frameworks to look
out for in 2020
If you want to try something new in 2020,
check out these JavaScript frameworks.

Ember: An open-source framework for
building web applications that works

based on the MVVM pattern. It is used
by several big companies like Microsoft,
Netflix and LinkedIn.

Meteor: A full-stack JavaScript platform
for developing modern web and mobile
applications. It’s easy to learn and has a
very supportive community.

All three frameworks are continually
improving, which is an encouraging
sign. Everyone has their own perspective
and preferred solution about which one
they should use but it really comes down
to the size of the project and which
makes you feel more comfortable. The
most important aspect is the continued
support of their communities, so if you
are planning to start a new project and
have never used any of the three before,
then I believe you are in safe hands with
all of them. If you haven’t had a chance
to learn any of the three frameworks yet,
then I suggest making it your New Year’s
resolution to start learning. The future
will revolve around these three!

Above Ember is an open-source framework for
building web applications used by companies like
Microsoft, Netflix and LinkedIn

Right Meteor is a full-stack JavaScript platform for
developing modern web and mobile applications. It’s
a good framework to start with as it’s easy to learn

Everyone has their perspective about which to

use but it comes down to the size of a project and

which one makes you feel most comfortable

The future of frameworks

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