Photo Insights - USA (2020-01)

(Antfer) #1

delineated sky in your original shot.

Click on Sky Selection and you will see that a

list of skies becomes available. These are the

stock images that come loaded with the soft-

ware. If you want to upload your own sky, it

should be the same size as the original capture,

and as I mentioned previously, it needs to be

saved as a tif or jpeg file.

At the bottom of the list of pre-loaded skies,

click Load Custom Sky Image. Browse on your

computer for the tif or jpeg image you want for

the background, and as soon as you make the

selection, it automatically is imported into Lu-

minar and composited behind the subject. In

most cases, the conjoining of the two images

is absolutely perfect. The edges where the two

photos meet are believable and realistic even

when the subject has feathers, vegetation, fur,

and hair. Of course there will be images that

require additional touch-up in Photoshop, but

despite this, Luminar is the easiest way to re-

place a sky. I’ve seen nothing like it.

With the composite complete, you can further
tweak the image using the many tools in the

plugin if you want. When finished, click Ap-

ply in the upper left corner of the main dialog

box. The photo opens in Photoshop, and at this

point you can save the picture using any file
format you want.

There are a number of tutorials on

that demonstrate and explain all of the nuances

of Luminar 4. I suggest you go through these
to gain a full understanding of the capabili-

ties of this plugin. I know many of my clients

have been unhappy with the composites they’ve

tried, especially when it comes to replacing a

sky. This software will be transformative for
you, and it will enable you to look at subjects

and scenes very differently. Now, literally, the

sky is the limit. §

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