The Great Outdoors Spring 2019

(Jacob Rumans) #1
Always take a map and compass with you. ©Crown copyright 2019 Ordnance Survey. Media 058/17

0 km (^246810121416182022)
Brighstone village
car park GR: SZ427827
(or start from pt 6: Chilton
Chine car park on A3055
GR: SZ409822).
From Brighstone car park
walk back up lane to main road
(B3399). Turn L then R along
North Street, passing picturesque
thatched cottages (which include
a museum, worth a look when
open). At T-junction cross road
and continue up track opposite,
ascending downs. Stay on
the bridleway, bearing R and
continuing up and across open
downland to a junction where
you bear L. Ignore next bridleway
on L, then turn sharp R and then
sharp L to top of chalk ridge.
A short distance to the R is
Brighstone & Freshwater
Isle of Wight ENGLAND
22km/13.7 miles/6-7 hours
Ascent 520m/1720ft^10


PLETHORA of walking
festivals that take place
each year up and down
the country, there must be
popular demand for such
events. hey are, of course,
ideal for those who enjoy
organised walks in the
company of others. he Isle
of Wight Festival is one of
the UK’s longest-running
(taking place over a fortnight
in May each year), which
fact alone is testament
to the island’s appeal as a
walking destination. Indeed,
a walking group I know of
visits the Isle of Wight for
its annual AGM/walking
weekend every autumn
without fail. Why always the
same place I asked a friend

Limerstone Down viewpoint.


Turn round and head along
ridge-top track. Before long
Tennyson Trail joins from R. Carry
on down beside Brighstone Forest
to road.


Turn R, then L through car
park and on up Mottistone
Down, part of NT’s Mottistone
estate. Note Bronze Age barrows
(burial mounds). Carry on down to
another road.


Once again turn R, then
almost immediately L
and head uphill again, still
following Tennyson Trail. A brief
detour R takes you to trig point
and view atop Five Barrows.
Maintain direction over Brook

and Compton Downs. After
going through a gate, watch
out for golf balls as you cross
Freshwater Bay Golf Club course.
At fork on Afton Down bear L
down to main road and either
cross and pick up coastal path
down to Freshwater Bay or
walk down beside road (verge,
then pavement).


Follow coastal path from
Freshwater Bay E/SE via
Compton and Brook Bays for 8km
to Chilton Chine, where path turns
inland to car park on main road.


Cross A3055 and follow
track to Chilton Farm. Keep
ahead along road, then R along a
bridleway. Cross next lane and
follow footpath back to car park.

Gradient proile Metres above sea level

Fiona Barltrop

enjoys a spring

walk before the



The Great Outdoors Spring 2019 103
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