back and start fresh to make progress
in repairing and creating new trails.
public Crown land is now set up for
riders to camp. Anyone can ride the
area, and camping is free for paid
FVDRA members. The association is
considered to be the stewards of the
area, because it has been doing it for so
long and because its members are the
ones that now have proper authorization
to do work by the First Nations and
Forestry Services.
The goal is to bring the area back to
how it used to be. It’s about an hour
away from downtown Vancouver and
is one of the only riding areas that
have low-gradient trails. Many other
areas nearby have very few green and
beginner trails, whereas Nickel Mine
tracking information and try to avoid
or re-establish trails, but they didn’t
usually reach the standard that the
FVDRA would want for safety and for
the events it had been hosting with
Association for so many years.
Every weekend there was a lot going
on in the area of Nickel Mine, and it
was slowly on the decline due to these
mining and forestry developments.
Then in November 2015, an unfortu-
nate logging accident occurred in which
a truck and driver were swept off the
road in a storm-triggered landslide,
causing the closure of the area to all
recreational users. For the entire 2016
year, FVDRA members weren’t allowed
in the area at all. In 2017, after the
area was surveyed and certain parts
but the forestry district now required
more paperwork, including a letter of
understanding authorizing the associa-
tion to maintain the trails.
A New Start
For 2018, FVDRA members and
administrators were permitted to come