
(Darren Dugan) #1


again and this time drove four hours

to Duffy Lake near Kamloops, which is

another dirtbike-friendly campsite that

many FVDRA members frequent.

This camping experience was quite

different from the one we had at Nickel

Mine, mostly due to the lake and the

extra activities Duffy Lake offered, but

the basics were all the same: dirt bikes,

the great outdoors, exercise, fresh air,


some of the same faces and met many

new ones, and with different terrain

and trail options, my son and daughter

improved their riding and their

endurance, and my heart glowed with

the sharing of my passion with them.

I am so thankful that I was able

to meet the members of the FVDRA,

talk to them about their 30-plus years

For additional photos of Fraser

Valley Dirt Riders Association

visit: motorcyclemojo.com


The Fraser Valley Dirt Riders Association provides a

healthy and fun atmosphere where riders of all levels

can enjoy nature, but most importantly, kids can ride

in a safe environment with adult supervision close by.

of running the club and hearing their

plans for the future, all the while

getting to enjoy riding and adventuring

on my dirt bike. The goal for the next

few years is to grow the club member-

ship back up to what it used to be and

to continue to offer riding experiences

for families and friends for many years

to come.

If you are interested in becoming a

member, please visit fvdra.com.

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