Q: What is it about Ricardo Bofi ll that
translates into jewellery?
A: I discovered Ricardo Bofi ll’s building,
Walden 7, on a trip to Barcleona and really
admired its boldness. I was amazed by
the volume, the intimate balconies, the
imaginative use of colour, materials and
sculptural forms – and I instantly saw
shapes that I started sketching which
later translated to the collection Shaped
Objects. I was heavily infl uenced by curves,
vertical lines in the tiles and colour palette.
Q: Which other architects are you
interested in?
A: I love the work at the practice I am
currently working at, Michaelis Boyd (not
just being biased). I really enjoy the projects
I work on. I am also really into Studio
Ashby’s work – I love what she has done
to her husband Charlie Casely Hayford’s
shop and their new home. I also adore
Carlo Scarpa’s work and I used his works
as inspiration to my Arco pieces which are
made from precious metals.
Q: In your own work as an architect, are
you thinking about jewellery?
A: In some ways yes: the skills of designing
a piece of jewellery and, say, a joinery piece
are totally transferrable. I like details and
try to bring this into the architectural
spaces I work with.
Q: Which materials do you like
to work with?
A: I am known for using walnut, acrylic and
formica. The walnut forms the structure
and gives it a rich warm texture, and this
contrasts with acrylic, which adds a pop of
colour to animate the piece. I think the two
work well together as a material palette. I
have more recently started to use sterling
silver to experiment with more three-
dimensional pieces.
Q: And can you describe your signature
A: Chalk is known for its bright bold
statement pieces that elevate a look. I
like to think Chalk is unique, eclectic and
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