
(Barry) #1


Im agine the path all m em bers of this
Bootcam p are follow ing w ith their ow n skills
and possibilities and you could see it as a
cobweb. You could see all those cables
crossing each other referring to all com m ents
by the m em bers in the different challenges. All
of us are reaching to the top of our dream s. As
the weather w as rather rough and cold w ith
little colour, I converted the picture in B&W.

Country: BELGIUM

F/ 8 1/ 200SEC ISO100 | 18 MM

Feedback: HIL A RY W RIG H T

Oh yes, spooky indeed, and for once I agree.
B&W is probably best! Your idea of all our ideas
being the leading lines to the top is rather nice
though. Well done Christian.

Country: AU ST RA L IA

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