
(Barry) #1

Feedback: BREN T MA IL

The thing that stands out in this im age for m e is that am azing this sky in the background. Like how you used
analogous colours (next to each other on the colour w heel - blues, greens and yellow s) in your im age too. Yes
I can see you their leading lines from the m ountain range as well as the leading lines from the base of at
W indm ill leading up to the blades. Great com position leaving m ore space on the left! I also like how the
blades are blurred, giving us a sense of m otion. Great work.

Country: AU ST RA L IA

Photographer: GIN A SK IN N ER

Country: U SA

I have som ew hat struggled w ith w hich im ages to subm it,
having learned so m uch from BootCam p and the com m unity
m em bers, trying to keep everything in m ind and still have
fun. I took m any shots of this w indm ill, challenged by access
due to an actively flow ing seasonal creek m aking its w ay to
the Pacific Ocean. I believe this im age is the best of bunch, I
w as trying to use the slope of the hills behind the w indm ill
as my leading lines. There is also a coastal highw ay between
the w indm ill and the hills. This w indm ill has been a part of
the seascape in this little coastal tow n of Cayucos for as long
as I can rem em ber. I find it to be nostalgic and represents a
bygone era. I hope to return for som e silhouette shots w hen
conditions are better. Cropped, straightened, resized and
brightened the sky a touch in Photoshop.

F/ 4.5 1/ 640SEC ISO200 | 35 MM
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