
(Barry) #1

Feedback: GIN A SK IN N ER

Valerie you did a great job editing your photo.
Isn't it interesting that we often don't see the
little im perfections because we are so excited
about an am azing capture and just w ant to get
it out and share it :) This is such a m ajestic,
noble, powerful raptor w ith such a piercing
gaze. In your backyard no less! Sim ply
awesom e. Great im age!

Country: U SA

Photographer: VA L ERIE W O RT H EN

The weather has been snow y, gloomy and cold m ost
of the m onth and I have struggled trying to find a POI
that had strong leading lines. This photo w as taken in
my back yard shooting up into the sky that w as
nothing but grey clouds. I have cropped all of the
tree branches out as they traveled in all directions. I
w as expecting him to fly as I w alked tow ard him so
had my shutter speed set pretty high w hich created
an underexposed photo w hich I adjusted for in post.

F/ 8 1/ 1000SEC ISO200 | 200 MM

Country: U SA

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