Most im portantly, begin noticing lines and w here they lead! It can take a little practice to begin seeing how
lines lead to different objects, but once you get the hang of it, it?s a lot of fun.
- First, observe your scene and find an interesting subject. Look for ONE point of interest here, either a
person or an object, or even som ething like a sunrise/ sunset or a storm cloud. - Next, observe the surrounding area and look for lines that lead or point to the subject.
- Then, experim ent w ith various positions to see w hich com position w ill work best. Get high then low.
Move close then step back. Shift right then left. See w hat looks best as you m ove around the area. - Look for the best com position that keeps your subject in a m eaningful place in the fram e.
- Be sure to rem ove distractions. Som etim es just m oving a foot or two can m ake all the difference.
Nobody likes a pole sticking out of their head after all! - Lastly, notice the light and com e back at a different tim e of day if needed.
Quick tip: Don?t sweep your viewer straight out of the scene by placing your subject in the w rong place.
Make sure the lines lead TO the subject and not past it.