It would have made a great scary horror video, but no camera phone video back then. Only Kodak
Brownies, Polaroids and gigantic 25 lb. video camera equipment in that era.
We made it to the airport amazingly without an accident or incident. My mom and dad returned
home safe as well. (Well, maybe my pants were just a little a wee bit wet)...LOL
When I nally made it to my home 3 hours later, I called my sister Number #5 to tell her what had
transpired that day, she simply replied with an un appable voice, “They do it all the time”...
Practice makes perfect I guess.
Yes, There Is A God...
I'm still shaking my head...
PS. - Amazingly, I still can recall my father's scent of sweat and machinery. Not a bad odor for
DIY'ers, but very distinct.
We all have stories, these were but a few memory cells of mine...I hope you enjoyed.
I was to head back home after a weekend visit with my parents, I was short on time for my return
ight and needed a ride to the airport, about 7 miles away.
There were no Ubers then (The 80's). Cab fare was ridiculous and not very reliable when it came to
timing.. I had waited until the last possible moment to go to the airport. My daddy happily
said, “Hell, I'll take you”.
My mother said she would ride along. She hadn't driven in 20 years. I was scratching my head...My
father had never driven me anywhere without purpose.
My mother's last drive outing, some 20 years ago resulted in an accident. (Her fault) For some
weird reasoning, I hesitated a bit and reluctantly said "Oh-Kaaay...I thought..."let's see how this
plays out"