My father had a half-brother. I never met him, however, I did, however, meet his sister, my aunt,
once when I was a teenager. No one ever spoke of our daddy's family in detail. My dad's mother we
knew of, was actually his step-mother. She lived hundreds of miles away in rural Alabama. That
disconnect might have had something to do with his lack of a solemn emotion at her funeral.
I have no other reference to his emotional well being in regard to her prior to her funeral. He
seemed very excited to travel to see her during our summer vacation.
I never knew the story of my father's birth father nor my father's birth mother. A huge void.
I do recall one of my daddy's sisters' family visiting us. I never saw my aunt again. My mom kept in
contact with her for quite a while after my father's death. My mom's health became her priority. My
mom did not communicate with her, nor her own sister on the phone during that time. I do not
know if either of our aunts is currently alive. I never knew my father's sister's proper name.
Our family would drive to "The Country" (Rural Southern Alabama and Georgia) during the
summer to visit his mother and my mother's father her home town in Georgia.
I don't believe my father was ever in the armed services. It was never mentioned one way or the
other by anyone. I never asked.
His valuable, vintage Colt navy pistol, his passion, excitement for military movies and TV shows
intrigued me to think he may have had possible ties to the service or wanted to serve.
Maybe his passion for the military, connected to his job with aircraft engines made an armed
service connection in his mind. Maybe he just loved those type of movies, I still do.^
My father, as well as my mother, rightfully felt that all of their children should have all the basic
knowledge of home survival. This included, but was not limited too, changing oil, spark plugs, tires,
knowing the difference between a Phillips heads screwdriver and a monkey wrench, knowing what
size and purpose of nails to use, how to change a lightbulb, how to clean and use a gun, etc.
My mother ensured everyone knew how to wash, iron, fold clothes, sew, cook, clean, etc. They both
understood the importance of independence and survival...She often put emphasis on the things
she did not want her sons to rely on from their wives. many of those things our father often relied
on her for...My father implied the same for his daughters...They were all ef cient...Some better than