Implementing a Natural Language Classifier in iOS with Keras + Core ML

(Jeff_L) #1

SwiftNLCTestClient: A simple test iOS application to play with

the wrapper and the Core ML model

Detailed instructions:

Importer — Swift script to import from Watson

and others

This sub-project contains Swift code (to be executed on Linux or

macOS environments) to import a le containing the dataset used to

train the NLC model.

The idea is to provide dierent importers for dierent le formats in

order to import datasets from existing NLU/NLC/Conversation

platforms such as IBM Watson, AWS Alexa/Lex, Google DialogFlow etc.

The rst importer implemented is for the IBM Watson Conversation

service. Watson uses a JSON “workspace” le containing intents with

several sample utterances, entities (slots), also with sample utterances,

as well as a tree for complex dialog management of long-running

conversation. This project is solely about NLC, and it only import

intents and sample utterances from this le.

Usage example:

Watson import
ace.json dataset.json

Generated dataset.json example:


"intents" : [
"intent" : "hello",
"utterances" : [
"good morning"

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