Implementing a Natural Language Classifier in iOS with Keras + Core ML

(Jeff_L) #1

2. Create the Keras, TensorFlow, Python, Core ML environment:

conda env create

This environment is created based on the environment.yml le for

installing Python 2.7, TensorFlow 1.1, Keras 2.0.4, CoreMLTools 0.6.3,

Pandas and other useful Python packages:

name: SwiftNLC

  • !!python/unicode

  • python=2.

  • pip==9.0.

  • numpy==1.12.

  • jupyter==1.

  • matplotlib==2.0.

  • scikit-learn==0.18.

  • scipy==0.19.

  • pandas==0.19.

  • pillow==4.0.

  • seaborn==0.7.

  • h5py==2.7.

  • pip:

  • tensorflow==1.6.

  • keras==2.1.

  • coremltools==0.

  • nltk==3.2.

NB NLTK is only needed for the createModelWithNLTKEmbedding

Notebook used on initial testing. The nal

createModelWithNSLinguisticTaggerEmbedding does not use NLTK, as

the word embedding is implemented in Swift on the Embedder module

using the NSLinguisticTagger API.

3. Activate the environment (Mac/Linux):

source activate SwiftNLC
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