Stuff - UK (2020-01)

(Antfer) #1


QInfuse good habits
Get a habit-tracker on your
phone, and use it to define
a handful of ways in which
you’d like to improve your life
and tech use. Don’t be overly
ambitious – between two and
six items is enough – and do
give yourself a break if streaks
are broken.

QGamify your health
Conscious tech use can prove
transformative on health with
the right apps. Have your
smartwatch encourage you
to move and exercise more,
or go all-in with Zombies, Run!
to combine a Walking Dead
dystopia with getting fit.

A list manager arguably
means more busywork
and another reason to
pick up your phone, but
it can also be a great way
of consolidating tasks
and making phone use
more conscious. Use this
as the hub for your day,
and place it prominently
on your homescreen.
£free / Android, iOS

If you need a nudge to
get things done and tend
to spend too much time
playing games, check
out Habitica. It gamifies
transforming your
to-do list into an RPG...
and success in the real
world translates to the
virtual one.
£free / Android, iOS

There are plenty of
timers that attempt
to carve your day into
work/rest sprints. But
BFT has you place your
phone face-down during
work periods – great for
focusing on tasks.
£1.19 / Android
£1.99 / iOS



QTame notifications
Android and iOS both have
mature notification systems.
When new notifications come
in, quieten or disable them
entirely. Chances are, you only
really need a handful active.
The rest are a distraction that
suck you back into apps.

QSet contact ringtones
Similarly, most phone calls
fundamentally don’t matter.
For key contacts, such
as a spouse, best friend
or boss, assign a custom
ringtone so you know
it’s them and can answer
immediately. Everyone else
can go to voicemail.

QDelete social apps
Social media apps tend to be
the ones that eat into most
people’s time. If that’s you,
add friction. This might mean
gating usage with a screen
time system, or removing
native apps and using inferior
web interfaces to put you off.

QOffload on iOS
When fixated on an iOS game,
too regularly tempted to play
but unwilling to lose all your
progress by dumping it,
offload it in Settings. Your
device will retain the app’s
data, but the game will only
run when reinstalled.

QRefine device usage
If you’re fortunate enough
to own multiple devices, clear
your daily carry of cruft. Have
a ‘gaming’ or ‘social’ device
ready and waiting for you
when you get home, for your
allotted faff time.

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