(dj33miles) #1


Darrell, number #8 here. Thank you for your kind interest in my Father-Son memoirs.

"Father's Day is once a year, but Fatherhood is a Lifetime and a Day." -  DJM

I was fortunate enough to have a few positive black father gures in my life as an
adolescent black male in addition to my life-wise, proud birth father. I regretfully know
far many who had opposite experiences

I had the support of my best friends' father who treated me as one of his own sons,
football coaches who sincerely mentored me with my best interest at heart. I continue
to have support from a very special brother-in-law who guided me like a father, an
engaging friend and gave the insight of a smart big brother. I recently began
conversing weekly with one of my football coaches of 40+years. A wise man.

My adolescence village support system consisted of pillars, Jack W. Wheeler (brother-
in-law), Loucies Jackson (Best Friend's dad), Eugene Clapp, Jack McClarian, Charles W.
Moore, (3 football coaches) and as an adult mentor, my behind the scenes Father-in-
law of 40 years, Elbert Denby.

Other adults helped me cope through my adolescence and learn through their
jealousy, envious & spiteful actions. I will not list them. I have no ill will towards them. I
thank them so much for the reecting experience.

My village support was a shining example of what I felt was the backbone and
structure of what type of man I was to become and provide number #8, the necessities
of manhood.

Pops was the typical family disciplinarian, you know... ”Wait ‘till your father gets
home" kinda guy. He was not a perfect father, far from it, He understood perfection
could be eeting. He simply tried to do his best with what was available. He
accomplished that in my eyes. He was the ideal father for me. 

Now my dad was not a religious person, even though my mother, his wife, was an
ordained minister. That had little effect on him. He had his place with the lord and that
was enough for him. My mother still prayed over her man constantly...but never
preach at him nor pressure him...

Based on what little I do know, I can only imagine dad had a hard young life in rural
Alabama with very little laughter. I heard no stories, just my guess.

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