PC World - USA (2020-01)

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18 PCWorld JANUARY 2020



Microsoft will check off Wunderlist

in May 2020
Should Microsoft have further developed Wunderlist instead of replacing it with To-Do?


ell, you can’t argue that
Microsoft isn’t giving
anyone enough notice.
Microsoft said recently that
it plans to shut down its Wunderlist to-do list
service on May 6, 2020.
You’ll still be able to use Wunderlist until
then, though Microsoft is cutting off new
signups. You’ll have the option to remove your
data from Wunderlist—or, as Microsoft hopes,
export it to the company’s own To-Do app.

Microsoft originally bought the Wunderlist
app in 2015, and then said in 2017 that it
planned to phase out Wunderlist (go.
pcworld.com/phse) in favor of a similar,
self-developed app called To-Do. Since then,
To-Do has been developed and integrated
within other apps, such as Outlook, to
provide a more holistic note-taking service
across multiple Microsoft apps.
At the time, Microsoft said that Wunderlist
would be maintained while Microsoft nailed
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