PC World - USA (2020-01)

(Antfer) #1
JANUARY 2020 PCWorld 57

Asus ROG Strix GeForce GTX

1650 Super: The Radeon RX 580

is finally dead
The Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 Super is the best budget graphics card you can buy for
1080p gaming, and the custom Asus ROG Strix model is loaded with extra. BY BRAD CHACOS

Nvidia’s $160 GeForce GTX
1650 Super had a super
bizarre launch.
Its still-available
predecessor, the $150 GTX 1650 (go.
pcworld.com/150g), skipped the vastly
improved Turing NVENC video encoder and
got pummeled in performance by AMD’s
Radeon RX 570, a much cheaper GPU, all to

let the card fit into the motherboards with no
extra power cabling required. With AMD’s
next-gen Radeon RX 5500 series looming
(go.pcworld.com/gt55), Nvidia revealed the
drastically turbocharged GTX 1650 Super—
but then failed to inform press of pricing or
provide drivers for launch day reviews. Those
are both extremely unusual moves, ones
mirrored in recent history only by Nvidia’s


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