Time - USA (2020-02-03)

(Antfer) #1

4 Time February 3, 2020


by Edmon de Haro
for TIME

6 | From the Editor
8 | For the Record

The Brief
News from the U.S.
and around the world

9 | Wuhan corona­
virus sparks global

11 | How do you
solve a problem like

12 | A consti­
tutional question
at the heart of the

14 | New tax rules
for the new year

16 | TIME with...
New York
Hakeem Jeffries

18 | Puerto Rico’s
mishandled aid

The View
Ideas, opinion,
23 | How to end
child poverty

25 | Ian Bremmer
on the box Iran
put itself in

25 | The winning

26 | To watch—or
not watch—
football with
the kids?
One parent’s

Time Off
What to watch, read,
see and do
99 | The Good Place
ends a great run

102 | Movies:
Overwork in
The Assistant;
a masterful The
Traitor; and The
Gentlemen fails to

104 | Books: Paul
Yoon’s novel Run
Me to Earth; short
stories from Nicole
Flattery and Lidia

106 | Music: Young
guns change the
rules for pop success

108 | 7 Questions
for sci­fi novelist
William Gibson

Portraits of Protest
The masked students behind
Hong Kong’s uprising
Photographs by Adam Ferguson;
story by Laignee Barron 28

Next Gen World
How millennials will transform
American politics By Charlotte Alter 40
Plus: Letters from young global
leaders; advice from elders;
teen inventors; the future of food;
mental health at work; closing
Big Data’s gender gap

For Love of Country
Australia’s wildfires bring the bush
home to a nation of city dwellers
By Belinda Luscombe; photographs by
Adam Ferguson 84

Who Gets Fido?
Couples are turning to divorce courts to
settle custody battles over pets
By Melissa Chan 94

VOL. 195, NOS. 3–4 | 2020

A koala is rescued
on Jan. 16 from
Kangaroo Island,
an area devastated
by Australia’s

Photograph by
Adam Ferguson for

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